Z03 Motor Assessment Center

Participant records for the central Z03 database can be submitted at https://sfb1451.inm7.de/z03-db (URL may be suject to change). The submission site is password protected against basic misuse with a password. However, data retrieval is not possible at that site, so the password-protection is not relevant for data security. The login information is:

  • user: data-entry-engineer
  • password: Lop8-waSe-1307-Adkv

Digital signatures

The data entry form supports the submission of a digitial signature for each data record to verify submissions and submitter identities. Detailed description on the signing page.

Local copies

The contents of all form fields (except signature) can be saved locally by clicking "Daten lokal speichern". Doing so will prompt a download of a JSON file, which is primarily machine-readable, but can also be viewed in any text editor. It is recommended to do so after validating entries ("Eingaben prüfen") just before saving the data ("Daten speichern"); however this can also be done with incomplete entries at any time. When saving a local copy, the value of the Probanden-Pseudonym field will be used as a file name. Therefore, local copies can be used to keep track of the entered data.

The saved files can also be loaded by clicking "Lokale Daten laden". When a file is loaded, the form gets reset, and fields are populated by the data from the file. This function can be used e.g. when there is a need to re-enter the data for a given participant with some corrections (avoiding the need to re-enter everything by hand).

Local save and local load happens entirely browser-side.