Local copies

The contents of all form fields (except signature) can be saved locally by clicking “Daten lokal speichern”. Doing so will prompt a download of a JSON file, which is primarily machine-readable, but can also be viewed in any text editor. It is recommended to do so after validating entries (“Eingaben prüfen”) just before saving the data (“Daten speichern”); however this can also be done with incomplete entries at any time. When saving a local copy, the value of the Probanden-Pseudonym field will be used as a file name. Therefore, local copies can be used to keep track of the entered data.

The saved files can also be loaded by clicking “Lokale Daten laden”. When a file is loaded, the form gets reset, and fields are populated by the data from the file. This function can be used e.g. when there is a need to re-enter the data for a given participant with some corrections (avoiding the need to re-enter everything by hand).

Local save and local load happens entirely browser-side.